Turkish Contractors Association Building Progress: Cooling Pipes Have Been Integrated

A piping system, inside of the concrete mass of the building floors, transports the chilled air from the labyrinth to the chilled beams. The concrete surrounding the pipes is cooled during this circulation process and contributes to the climate control of the building by storing cooled air rising from the labyrinth into the concrete mass of the floors. This is the first time that a system like this has been applied in Turkey. The piping system designed by Atelier Ten and Okutan Engineering were sourced locally by MESA, the main contractor of the building.


TMB animate 12seconds from AVCI ARCHITECTS on Vimeo.

1. Hot air in external environment goes from stacks into the labyrinth.
2. Hot air cools down naturally as it covers distance inside the labyrinth.
3. Air losing its heat reaches air conditioning stations according to conditions, if necessary it is further cooled down.
4. Air going through canals embedded in R/C slabs also cooling concrete mass reaches cold beams.
5. Cold beam depending on the need in the environment further cools down the air, releasing it into the interior.
6. Air heated up due to the impact of machines and people is collected in ventilation ducts and carried to heat recovery units.
7. The atrium at the core of the building with stack effect collects all heated air at the highest level, carrying it to heat recovery stations, again through ducts.
8. Thanks to the mesh and shade elements forming the exterior of the building, heat recovery is minimized.
9. There are also hot air pipes and photo-voltaic panels on the roof.


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