The Cubuklu Valley Residential site lies on the northern boundary of the Cubuklu Vadi area of in-city forest. This is a unique and important development site, both in the context of the expansion of Istanbul, and internationally as an example of the sympathetic development of in-city forested areas.
The Cubuklu Valley Residential site occupies the base of a valley. It is the lowest point of the Cubuklu Valley area, and surface and ground water from a significant area of surrounding hills flows and permeates down to collect the site. The valley base forms a natural aquifer above the level of the Bosphorus, and this valley was once dammed at the western end to raise water levels and form a reservoir. The dam has been removed but some elements of historic engineering works remain.
The top of the aquifer is just below ground level in the valley, and a stream runs through the site.
Possibly as a result of its historic use as a reservoir, the site is not heavily forested like adjacent areas, however some trees remain, and the site’s ecology forms part of the diversity of the wider area.
Residential, Masterplan
Beykoz, İstanbul

The Landscape
Cubuklu is to be set in a quality landscape that includes:
- A new public park, which forms a buffer strip along the northern boundary of the site, either side of the existing stream, between the development and the road. This is to be an extension of the Cubuklu forest area.
- Nature (flora and fauna) corridors crossing the site, connecting the existing forest and new public park. The natural, existing ecosystem is also to be extended as far as possible into all other areas of the development, to protect and enhance biodiversity, and for the enjoyment of the users of the development.

Water Resources
The site is over an aquifer, fed by a large area of surrounding watershed. A stream runs through the site. The development will be designed to avoid depletion and pollution of the aquifer, and to avoid flooding downstream. Landscape features, such as pools and channels, will be designed to control surface water, ground water, run-off from buildings and other impermeable surfaces, and waste water from buildings, and to maintain the natural balance of the existing system.
Connection and Intergration
Cubuklu Phase 1 will be an extension to the existing urban area of Istanbul.
Connections with adjacent local centres, such as Acarkent with the areas of Cubuklu to be developed subsequently, will be developed.
Connections with the central Metropolitan area will also be facilitated.
A Travel Plan for connections with these other areas will be developed during the design of the development, to ensure that the use of sustainable methods of transport is encouraged.
The retail element of the development will be a local centre for shopping, eating and for social interaction, and for the wider local community (existing adjacent developments and future developments of Cubuklu Vadi).
The design of the connections and spaces between the buildings will aim to encourage integration and interaction between residents. Public spaces will aim to encourage connections between residents and visitors to the development, balancing the need for public access with privacy and security.
Movement and Access
The Developer is committed to reducing impact on the environment, and to producing a development that is a world leading example of sustainable urban development. This will be achieved by encouraging and enabling a shift away from car use to other more sustainable modes of transport. The means of achieving this will be identified within the development Travel Plan.
The primary method of movement around the development site will be pedestrian, and the design of the connections and spaces between the buildings will encourage this aim.
Walking will also be encouraged to other areas of Cubuklu and nearby centres, by the provision of safe, well lit, and well landscaped walking routes.
Design Team:
Selcuk Avcı, Koray Tokdemir, Tolgahan Akbulut, Doğa Serçe, Tuba Şehitoğlu, Deren Uysal, Hazal Güral, Mehtap Kocaman, Egemen Karakaya
Hani Fakhani